How to create a Windows Bootable Flashdrive without a PC

安裝Win8步驟找台WinXP以上的電腦,開機後到ISO2USB網站下載isotousb_setup.exe,安裝起來後執行桌面的ISO2USB軟體,準備WIN8的ISO檔以及4G容量以上的隨身 ...,Itworkswith64-bitWindowsinstallisofilestoo(Windows8-10bothinUEFIandBIOSmode,Windows7onlyinBIOSmod...。參考影片的文章的如下:


檢視購買的x220,安裝Win8體驗Fast Boot

安裝Win8步驟找台WinXP以上的電腦,開機後到ISO 2 USB網站下載isotousb_setup.exe,安裝起來後執行桌面的ISO2USB軟體,準備WIN8的ISO檔以及4G容量以上的隨身 ...

Installationiso2usb - Community Help Wiki

It works with 64-bit Windows install iso files too (Windows 8-10 both in UEFI and BIOS mode, Windows 7 only in BIOS mode). Detailed ...

Download Iso2Usb

Iso2Usb can assist you in creating bootable USB devices for Windows, Ubuntu, Linux, and any bootable ISO files.

輕鬆製作可開機的USB 磁碟機

Rufus 是個能格式化並製作可開機USB 快閃磁碟機(USB 隨身碟、Memory Stick 等等)的工具。 它非常有用,特別是在下列情況中:. 需要將可開機的ISO 映像檔(Windows, Linux, ...

Download Iso2Usb for Windows 11, 10, 7, 88.1 (64 bit32 bit)

Iso2Usb is a free Windows utility for creating bootable USB drives from Windows ISO images. · 1. Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 · 2. Processor: Intel ...

Iso2Usb download

Download Iso2Usb for free. A cross platform application to create bootable media from ISO images. You can create linux distribution, Windows ...

【2種方式】如何將ISO檔燒進USB隨身碟?( Windows 111087)

本文將爲您介紹2種方法,幫助您將ISO檔燒進USB隨身碟,以便在Windows 11/10/8/7 中製作可啟動USB。 Daisy. 作者Daisy / 更新於2023年09月15日.

Hiren's BootCD PE - ISO2USB Download (2025 Latest)

Hiren's BootCD PE - ISO2USB is available for anyone for FREE on any modern versions of Windows OS, including Windows 7, 8, 10 (both 32-bit and ...


ISO to USB is a free and small software that can burn the ISO image file directly to the USB drives, these USB drives include USB flash drives, memory sticks ...

Iso2Usb - Download, Review, Screenshots

評分 4.8 (4) · 免費 · Windows · The app's main capability is helping you create bootable USB devices from ISO images. An ISO image is an image disk, a replica that contains the ...


安裝Win8步驟找台WinXP以上的電腦,開機後到ISO2USB網站下載isotousb_setup.exe,安裝起來後執行桌面的ISO2USB軟體,準備WIN8的ISO檔以及4G容量以上的隨身 ...,Itworkswith64-bitWindowsinstallisofilestoo(Windows8-10bothinUEFIandBIOSmode,Windows7onlyinBIOSmode).Detailed ...,Iso2UsbcanassistyouincreatingbootableUSBdevicesforWindows,Ubuntu,Linux,andanybootableISOfiles.,Rufus是個能格式化並製作可開機USB快閃磁...